-Integrity is doing thing when doesn't anyone is watching
B) What is Academic Integrity
-honesty and responsibility in scholarship.The criterias are very important in doing academic assignment and get our goal.
C) Some examples of Academic Dishonesty
-Plagiarism -unauthorized collaboration
-falsification - cheating
-substitution - failure to comply
D) Example of Plagiarism
-pharaphrasing from a source without credit the author
-using another person ideas as your own
-copy another student work
-quotating another students work without indicate that is quotation
-summarizing from another source without indicating where it from
-cutting and pasting from web without citing the source
To Avoid Plagiarism
-Credit all your sources in the text and bibliography using APA format
E) Common ways to Use information from a Source
i) Quoting -using the exact word of someone else and put it in quotation mark
ii) Paraphrasing -put someone ideas in your own word but credit to the source
Activity 1
Try the following exercises on paraphrasing and summarizing:
• https://usu.instructure.com/courses/31801/quizzes/13501?module_item_id
Click "Take the Quiz" to compare two different students' paraphrases
of the same text to the original and decide if these are examples of pharaphase or plagiarism
-congrats for myself because i can answer this 2 question correctly.Iys not easy to understand the sentences because it is so long. but I try my best calmly. 🤗🤗
Points to Remember
i) authors -always list last name and initials not fullname, if there are many author, keep write it.
ii) Capitalization -article.,chapter or book titles, just capital their first word.
-jounal titles, capital all important words
Activity 2
Please cite a book that you borrowed last week from the library.
-Jr. J.B(1930)Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Manual, United States of America, CRCPress
Activity 3
Try these exercises to help familiarize yourself with the APA citation style:
• http://library.georgiancollege.ca/citing/exercises
-SEE.. I actually was understand clearly about how to find the book author. Miss Masriyah was train us from A to Z and ask my tablemate if we can do it or not because she want to scan a blur student😂😂😂
G) Calculate Grade Point Average (GPA)
- The final examination results and assessments at the end of every
semester are assigned a Grade Point Average (GPA) and a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) which represent a student’s academic achieve
-They get GPA by grade that was earned every semester and this is the calculation.
*formula -GPA=total credit value registered and attempted in the assessmemt of the semester ÷ the total credit unit acquired in the same semester
*[(3.67×3)+(3.33×2)]÷(3+2) =3.53 this is your GPA
Activity 4
Calculate The GPA and CGPA